FREE PDF Training Guide

Specifically for YOU, we have composed a fantastic FREE Training Guide in PDF format.
Designed to show each key aspect of the golf lesson, you can download this unique Practice Program now.
The Guide includes lesson notes, images and instructions for the customised drills outlined in the video.
’These Training Guides are Perfect!’
We recognise that it‘s difficult to take what you learn from our videos to the practice tee.
So, we created this FREE Training Guide PDF, which is super easy to download to your phone or tablet. You can even print it!
‘These training guides are perfect! Just what I need to help my practice.
They instill all the major points from the Video into a step-by-step instructional guide, that I have downloaded straight to my smartphone......Genius!’
Anna Smith - 34 Handicap
‘I go to the range after watching Videos on YouTube, and I can never remember exactly what I am supposed to do!
Having these cheat sheets on my phone is too easy! I can now now perform each drill correctly.’
Terry McManus - 6 Handicap
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