Steve Gannon

Escape from Deep Bunkers

The heading 'Escape from Deep Bunkers' says it all. This shot strikes fear into many club golfers, even ‘A’ Graders! The issue is, we are faced with a short shot, which requires plenty of height and spin and therefore, some power.

A common mistake many club golfers make, is they attempt to ‘help’ the ball out of the bunker. However, we can adjust our setup to get the club working for us, generating a higher launch and backspin.

With a bit of practice, the player can lay the clubface wide open. We need to align the body and the swing path slightly open as well, to control the direction.

Golfers are amazed at how open we lay the clubface and still get the ball going forward! Commitment is key - we need a long swing with plenty of clubhead speed and a full finish.

Want to know more? Check out these articles 

Best Stretches for Senior Golfers Over 50

To be the best golfer you can be, it’s important to prepare the body, so you can meet the physical challenges of hitting a golf ball. This is true for golfers of all ages but particularly relevant for senior golfers. As you pass 50 years of age, if you neglect to invest some time in your flexibility and mobility, then your golf swing will likely suffer as a result.

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Ball Position Basics – 2 Methods

 Golf ball position through the set is often misunderstood. Why do we move the ball position around in the stance? In today’s golf lesson, Aussie Golf Pros take you through 2 ball positions systems you can use, to guide your on ball position for all clubs, from wedges to irons to driver.  Each method is simple and easy

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The Golf Ball Roll Back.

Are we ahead of our time?! The USGA and R&A recently released a joint statement, indicating that they are considering reducing the launch speed of a standard golf ball. The proposal, officially announced in a press conference led by the USGA chief executive Mike Whan and R&A chief executive Martin Slumbers, calls for a model local rule

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