Best Stretches For SENIOR GOLFERS Over 50 - Top 7
To be the best golfer you can be, it’s important to prepare the body, so you can meet the physical challenges of hitting a golf ball. This is true for golfers of all ages but particularly relevant for senior golfers.
As you pass 50 years of age, if you neglect to invest some time in your flexibility and mobility, then your golf swing will likely suffer as a result.
Typical swing characteristics, which might become evident in your golf swing include early extension, flipping, over the top transition and poor balance, to name just a few.
Injuries will also become more common as your flexibility deteriorates.
The good news is, even as you approach your senior years, you can still maintain and even improve your mobility.
Stretching should be carried out after warming up and not before.
Warmer muscles are much more responsive to stretching and cold muscles can be easily injured.
Begin with a jog or even a brisk walk, to increase the heart rate and blood flow throughout the body.
Areas of concern for many senior golfers are the hamstrings.
The backs of your thighs can become stiff and sore, due to long periods of sitting and standing.
Simply reaching for your toes, with your legs straight, will undoubtedly stretch the hamstrings.
However, this isn’t ideal for the lower back and is not a long term solution.
Hamstring Stretches

Kneel on your left leg and stretch the right leg out in front of you.
Extend your right arm down, inside your right leg and bend forward from the waist.
This will provide a safe and isolated stretch of your right hamstring. Hold the stretch for at least 1 minute for the best results.
Hip Flexors
The hip flexors also tighten with long periods of sitting and this can really affect posture throughout the golf swing.
Sit on the floor and cross your legs in front of you.
Don’t worry if you can’t cross them fully, just do the best you can.
Reach your arms forward, attempting to place your forearms on the floor.
This is extremely difficult to achieve for most and is a fantastic stretch for the hip flexors. Hold for 1 minute or more if you can.

Hip Rotation
The ability to rotate the hips both internally and externally, is critical for power and accuracy in the golf swing.
Without sufficient rotation in the backswing, you are not storing enough of your potential energy.
Additionally, if your hips fail to turn through impact and beyond, the arms and hands will inevitably control the clubface.
This often results in poor directional control as well as loss of potential clubhead speed.
Sit with your legs stretched out straight and wide. Place both hands on the floor behind you.
Choose 1 hip to mobilise and stretch your heel on that side as far away from you as possible.
At the same time, draw your toes towards you and detract your hip joint.
Next, rotate your flexed foot inwards and outwards, using your full range of motion.
You should feel as if you are unscrewing your hip joint.
Continue for 30 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.
Most find external rotation easier than internal rotation.
This exercise will improve the range of motion of your hips effectively.
We can further challenge the hip joint with 3 more ‘positions’, while rotation your foot in dorsiflexion.
After 30 seconds on each side, repeat the process with your hands in front of you.
The 3rd position is with the sole of 1 foot, folded against the inside of other leg, again while rotating the outstretched leg.
The 4th position is with 1 foot crossed over the other leg and might be a bridge too far for some.

Back Rotation
As you have discovered, rotation is a strong theme for improving mobility for golf.
The back must be able to rotate both in the backswing and throughswing for the best performance and for reducing the chance of injury.
‘Open Books’ are great for improving the rotation for your back and torso.
Lie on one side, with your knees up to 90º (if possible) and stretch your arms together out in front of you.
Whilst following your upper hand with your eyes, rotate your upper arm all the way around and try to touch the floor behind you.
Hold for a couple of seconds, the return your arm to the other one. Complete 10-15 reps and then repeat lying on your opposite side.

Thoracic Rotation
This is really key, because if your upper back isn’t particularly mobile, then your lower back will likely compensate.
This can lead to injury, as the lumber region is designed to be comparatively stable.
Take a position on all fours, supported on your fists, rather than your palms, thus protecting your wrists.
Place one hand behind your head. Stretch your elbow up as high as you can.
Hold for a couple of seconds, then rotate your elbow right down, under you and past your opposite knee.+
Perform 10-15 reps, really feeling the stretch in your upper back. Repeat with your opposite arm.

‘Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.’
- Denzel Washington
Shoulder Rotation
Shoulder mobility, specifically, external rotation is necessary for producing the ideal swing plane during the golf swing.
If your trail shoulder is internally rotated, then a steep shaft plane can be evident in the downswing.
If your lead shoulder can’t externally rotate sufficiently, then your release might be affected and you might ‘Chicken Wing’ after impact.
Stand with your elbows at your sides, your forearms in front of you, with your palms up.
Keeping your elbows connected to your side, slowly rotate your forearms outwards as far as they will go and hold for a couple of seconds.
Your thumbs will be extending outwards and you should feel a good external stretch in both shoulders.
Complete 10-15 reps. This exercise can also be performed with a light resistance band.
The resistance shouldn’t be too strong, as this is designed to increase mobility, as well as stability.
Repeat the exact movements as above but this time holding the resistance band with both hands for added benefit.

Neck Rotation
With all the time many players spend on their phones these days, it’s no wonder we often wake up with a stiff neck.
Poor cervical rotation can substantially reduce body rotation in the backswing, thus reducing power output.
Star Patterns are a great neck mobiliser and are easy to perform.
Whilst standing or sitting, slowly look up, stretching your neck as far up as you can.
Hold for a couple of seconds and then look down, again feeling a good stretch.
Repeat this motion 4 more times. Next tilt your head side to side 5 times, again very slowly.
The 3rd motion is looking left and right, looking over each shoulder. The final stretch is in a diagonal movement, from down to your armpit, then up to the opposite side.

As you practise and strive for improvement, your golf swing will ultimately develop into motions, of which your body is capable.
Therefore, it makes absolute sense to mobilise your body, so you can perform the way you want, to realise your full potential.
The important thing to remember about stretching and any physical training is that consistency is key.
Your results will depend largely upon the time and discipline that you are willing to invest in yourself, your body and your golf.